2025 Assignments This year we are adding a twist to our monthly assignments. Each month (excluding member’s choice) will include a technique to be applied in the capture of the image. There is a new requirement that images MUST be in the 2:3 aspect ratio (2:3 Landscape or 3:2 Portrait) to be eligible as a winning image. There will be other opportunities to use different aspect ratios throughout the year.
January: Still Life-Rule of Odds (F) Still life photography refers to pictures that feature an arrangement of inanimate objects. These can be organic – like food or flowers – or human-made. The number of items in your photo must be odd. ie, 1,3,5,7,9 etc.
February: Neon Signs -Fill the Frame (UE, F) Photograph Traditional or modern neon light like lights composing your photo so that it fills most or all of your frame
March: Street Photography-Slow Shutter (UE, F) Record everyday life in a public space by photographing random people. While you must use slow shutter speed as a part of your photo, since it is unlimited this month, you can use a combination of slow and fast shutter speeds, in different parts of the photo.
April: Stairs, Staircases, Stairwells-Explore use of Contrast (F) While using stairs, stairwells or staircases as your main subject, explore high/ low or shadow contrast methods to create interest.
May: Portrait -Use one (1) added light (F) Portrait photography is about capturing the essence, personality, identity and attitude of a person utilizing backgrounds, lighting and posing. One light portrait lighting uses a single key light or main light. This is often a speedlight or strobe. You can supplement it with ambient light, but not with any light controlled or directed by you, such as a reflector.
June: Intersecting Lines -Rule of Thirds Use Intersecting lines to create your image while using the Rule of 3rds
July: Members’ Choice (UE) Submit any photo that you have taken that has not won a technical or members choice award before
August: Seascape/Seashore-Minimalist Photograph a seascape, or the seashore, bordering the sea while using minimalism photo techniques. in this assignment, less is more. Focus on a small number of subjects, or even just one, leaving plenty of negative space.
September: Landscape (Day or Night) -Include a Foreground Element (UE) Foreground element is closest to the camera. The foreground element can be either in focus or out of focus. It can include the main subject, background, and other elements such as trees or buildings. It adds depth and dimensionality to an image to create more interest for a viewer.
October: Photojournalism- Black and White (F) While similar to Street photography, Photojournalism focuses more on the story that you are telling with your photo. Editing should be intentionally minimal, ie., taking out sensor dust spots, minimal cropping and other adjustments. It must be submitted in Black and White – not sepia or any other color.
November: Exploring Washington (UE, F) In 2024 we shared photo opportunities around Washington, now show us what you found! These can be landscapes taken in Washington, or even a street photography scene here in Washington.
December: Best of 2025 (UE, F) Submit any photo that you have taken in 2025 that has not won a technical or members choice award before.